Call an Exorcist - Urnula craterium

Dave R.'s picture
Following the mass fruiting of the Pheasant Wings, I recently came across another fruiting larger than any I had previously encountered. I was hunting morels at the time, but unfortunately it wasn't morels. I was checking out a stand of tulip poplars that I discovered last winter and decided to take a quick look under some large white oaks growing nearby. There I found a fairly common early spring mushroom, the Devil's Urn or Urnula craterium. Photos of this intriguing mushroom have appeared on our blog pages previously and I had found a small number of them earlier in the spring. But this was an oak limb with some four dozen or more mushrooms growing in three clusters. Yikes, that's a lot of demons! Be careful out there. Dave
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Devils Urn

Did you collect them? Tom Volk is looking for as many air dried specimens of this that he can get. If you would please gather and dry them and I'll get them from you, the club gets credit for helping with his research. Thanks Karen