Baby samples stinky old mushrooms

Wei-Shin's picture

Baby was playing on a playground with wood chips. There were some mushrooms growing in the chips. He picked some up and almost put one in his mouth until we said no. He didn't eat it, but his mouth may have had slight contact with it. Then he proceeded to smash it into his hands and tear it apart. And of course, babies tend to put their hands into their mouth a lot. We picked up similar mushrooms around it for photography. I don't think it's particularly dangerous but I wanted to see what everyone thought these were.

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Mushroom ID Guess

Attached or nearly attached gills...that look slightly pink....

Well a genus of mushroom that has attached gills and a pink spore print--that is Entoloma.  Would love to look at the spores to see if they are angular.

There are toxic species of Entoloma...

I have a monograph of Entoloma in NA but I need a speciment to ID the species.


Dave R.'s picture

Mashed Mushrooms?

They have characteristics of several wood chip bed-inhabiting mushrooms I have seen.  But I'm not sure which one it is, so of course it's best not to eat it.  Or to eat any wild mushoom raw for that matter.  I'm thinking the little guy may have a bright future in mycology however.  And he may have just discovered a new baby food flavor - mashed mushroom.  Hey, it's gotta be better than strained liver, right? 


Baby Food?

Hi, Wei-Shin,

I wouldn't hazard an ID guess from the photos, but they look like what my neighbor described to me a couple of days ago. Her small dog ingested mushrooms on wood chips in their yard, and it nearly died! Multiple trips to the vet, etc., saved the dog, but they missed their vacation at the shore while dealing with the problem! My own inclination is to avoid all l'shrooms I can't identify 100 percent!